The Andalusian Tourist Housing Association (Abba), represented by its legal director Álvaro Graciani, has signed a collaboration agreement with the Malaga City Council for the implementation of an action framed in the pilot project for the early detection of COVID-19 'Málaga Segura'.
The agreement allows rapid tests to be carried out on workers related to the tourist housing sector as well as a sample of the staff of the organization of the Jazz Festival that is held during the month of November, with the aim of influencing the security of the event and these tourist accommodations, while boosting trust and conveying a message of tranquility to customers and stopping the spread of the virus.
Together with AVVA, have joined the Consistory in this action - with various areas involved such as Tourism, through Promálaga, Culture, through the Cervantes Theater, and the Central District- the Chip Hospital and the El Pilar and Santa Elena Clinics.
The signed agreement stresses that, as a consequence of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 and its great negative impact on the sector, Strengthening the image of Malaga as a safe destination has been defined as a priority for the city, The joint work and collaboration of companies and institutions is essential in order to join efforts for the recovery of the most affected activities..
Some links to the news:
Europa Press
The vanguard
Malaga Tourism