Avvapro meets the Confederation of Entrepreneurs from Andalusia (CEA) To boost the tourist accommodation sector in Andalusia

La Junta Directiva de AVVAPro se ha reunido con Luis Fernández-Palacios, secretario general de la Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA), y Javier González de Lara y Sarria, presidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA). Por parte de AVVAPro asistieron: John Cube, presidente. Very Paloma, vicepresidenta 1ª. Nacho Chaves, vicepresidente 2º. El objetivo

Avvapro associates awarded at the Sicted Awards

This Monday 24 February the sicted awards have been delivered in Malaga, Comprehensive Spanish Tourist Quality System in Destinations, promoted by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism of Spain; project that promotes the improvement of the quality of tourist destinations. Mayor La Málaga, Don Francisco de la Torre, He has delivered…