
Being a member of an association has the following advantages for you and your business.


With your participation as an associate you will contribute to making the association stronger in the defense and representation of the sector.

By being part of a tourist association you also have support and a positive image, a point in favor before clients, communities and public entities.

training and learning

Actions and updated information to professionalize your tourist accommodation business.

legal advice

By being a member you can access up-to-date information on regulations and document processing.

We have a legal office that offers a basic legal advice service.

Note: Individual consultations or those that involve initiating some type of legal procedure are not included in said advice..

agreements and covenants

We make agreements with different companies and suppliers in the sector. Our Supplier Club is made up of a group of companies related to the sector, that offer a series of advantageous conditions for associates.

industry information

Data information of the sector at regional level, National and international.

Access to information both via mail and with private access for associates on our website.

We regularly organize assemblies where we share important news for the sector and listen to everyone to incorporate ideas and initiatives that help boost it.

events and activities

You will be able to attend for free the meetings that we coordinate with suppliers and professionals to facilitate networking and access to new products, services and business opportunities.


AVVA PRO is a member of the Spanish Federation of tourist accommodation and housing (FEVITUR), of the Tourism Forum of the Costa del Sol, of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia (CEA), of the Tourism Council and the European Holiday Home Association (EHHA), what makes us present in negotiations and defend and represent the sector and Andalusia in different scenarios.

request registration

Complete the following form if you want to belong to our association.

    Indique el número de viviendas que gestiona actualmente

    Cuota mensual

    Aceptación de la orden de domiciliación SEPA

    En breve, recibira un SMS certificado de AVVA para la firma del documento de asociación, quedando supeditada el alta a la firma del presente documento

    The membership fee is monthly.

    The fee is intended to cover the expenses that the association faces in its defense work., representation and professionalization of the sector. Assigned based on the number of accommodations owned/managed by the partner.

    In the case of owner (understood as such that person or company that manages 1 from 2 housing, cuota A), When registering it is necessary to pay the first three installments.

    Make click here to download the form in PDF if you have any problems completing it on the web.